
Media library

Here you can find the recordings of our online events.

Werkstatt Wissenschaft Wirtschaft: Wasserstoff - Innovative Anwendungen und Speichertechniken am 03.05.2022

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

Werkstatt Wissenschaft Wirtschaft: Wasserstoff und synthetische Kraftstoffe im Schiffsverkehr am 29.03.2022

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

PPA’s als Finanzierungsoption für U20-Projekte und Ü20-Anlagen am 24.03.2022

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

Green energy, hydrogen and sector coupling on 22.03.2022

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in English.

Wärmewende - Impulse für Schleswig-Holstein

Wärmekonzepte für Schleswig-Holstein - Ziele und Umsetzung am 15.03.2022

Regenerative Wärmequellen - Potentiale in Schleswig-Holstein am 16.03.2022

Wärmewende im Gebäudesektor am 17.03.2022

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

Green Invest - Rahmenbedingungen zur Finanzierung von EE-Projekten am 15.06.2021

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

windWERT aktuell: Erste Erfahrungen mit den neuen Windenergie Regionalplänen in Schleswig-Holstein (am 27.5.2021)

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

Vorstellung der EE.SH

The recorded event is in German.

Virtuelles EE-Community-Treffen am 20.04.2021

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

Future Fuels, Klimaschutz durch innovativen LKW-Flottenbetrieb

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

Virtuelles EE-Community-Treffen am 08.12.2020

The recorded event is in German.

WWW Veranstaltung "Blaue Biökonomie"

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

10. windWERT 2020

The recorded event is in German.

WWW-Veranstaltung vom 2. September 2020

Here you can find the event presentations. The recorded event as well as the presentation slides are in German.

WWW-Veranstaltung vom 22. September 2020

The recorded event is in German.

LNG heute - Wasserstoff morgen?

The recorded event is in German.


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