Asia-Pacific Contacts for Energy Businesses

30. Apr 2018

Cooperation between Schleswig-Holstein’s energy industry and the German Asia-Pacific Business Association

China, Japan, South Korea and other emergent economic powers in the Asia-Pacific region want to shift to greater use of renewable energy, and are showing a great deal of interest in German technology and planning expertise. The Schleswig-Holstein Renewable Energy Network Agency (EE. SH) consequently made contact with the Hamburg-based German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV), resulting in the two organisations recently signing a cooperation agreement.

“In so doing we want to facilitate access to markets in the Asia-Pacific region, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises in Schleswig-Holstein”, explained EE.SH project manager Sascha Wiesner (Photo: right), stating a freight forwarding company, project developers and wind turbine manufacturers as examples of members of the EE.SH business network that have already made contact with the OAV.

“As general contract partner of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy’s Energy Export Initiative, we are especially pleased about the cooperation with EE.SH, which enables us to act as a bridge to Asia in the renewable energy sector,” added OAV managing director Timo Prekop (Photo: left). The association was founded back in 1900 and has more than 800 members, including 500 businesses in all sectors of industry. It provides networking events and other services for establishing contacts between Germany and the Asia-Pacific region.

The OAV specialises in specific matchmaking and will be pleased to compile a list of suitable contacts for firms in the EE.SH business network that are interested in doing business in Asia. Please write to swsnr-shd.


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